Saturday, September 7, 2013

Warrant Requirement

Open Fields DoctrineOne of the exceptions to the search and seizure law which enables apply officers to conduct warrantless search and seizure proceedings especially in criminal cases , is the Open Fields Doctrine . Under this principle , the owner of any object found out of doors where it could be plainly attendn by anybody who is standing on his or her radix , from indoors any motor vehicle , or from a low-flying aircraft , could not seek the privacy fosterion under the quaternary Amendment . In other words , even if a residential social unit is protected by a fence , the kingdom inside the fence is still considered an unresolved business line if in that repair are cracks in the fence through which anybody can advantageously peep and see objects located inside the fence . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The same(p) is confessedly when the fence is low enough for people to see clear inside the fenced-in ground without the need to stand on their toes or on top of any object in to deal a clear line of sight Considered lax field are streets , sidewalks , any bodies of water outdoor fields , or even the curtilage of a fenced-in residential make as long as said curtilage could be discover by people outside the fence . This doctrine was naturalized by the United States Supreme Court in Hester v . United States where it ruled that the Fourth Amendment did not protect `open fields and that , therefore , police searches in such(prenominal) areas as pastures , jungly areas , open w ater , and vacant divide are statutory ev! en without search...If you want to get a full essay, pronounce it on our website:

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