Thursday, May 14, 2020

Martin Luther a Brief History/Impact on Western Civiliation

Martin Luther: A Brief History/Impact on Western Civiliation Martin Luther was a man with a purpose. Born in 1483 in Eisleben, Martin Luther was a German Monk who started one of the greatest religious revolutions in the history of the Western world. Before discussing the impact of his revolution on the modern world, we must first establish some background information about the man and the Roman Catholic Church. Martin Luther lived a tough childhood where he did not enjoy the customary joys that children have. In fact, on numerous counts, he was beat by his parents until, â€Å"the blood flowed.† (Ganns, 1910) On top of his parents, in his earliest school-days, he would be punished at least fifteen times in the mornings. â€Å"It was this†¦show more content†¦It began with a simple public attack on indulgences. Few people at the scene would suspect that Martin would eventually divide Europe between religious boundaries. The start of Lutheranism included believing in your personal faith, instead of following the rules and regulations of the church. Martin taught the people that they were the ones whose actions decided their fate, not the words of the Roman Church, and definitely not indulgences. Martin believed that everyone should be able to read the bible and interpret it their own way. He didn’t believe that the people needed a clergy to translate the bible and b e the mediator between them and God. Martin, not only introduced, but also defined individualism. After his public attack on indulgences, Martin Luther released his 95 thesis. These were quickly circulated throughout Europe and were the foundations for many reformers later in this period. Martin Luther left behind a movement that has had a huge impact on the modern western world. His works, which justify faith and give the Bible final authority over decisions, where adopted by many other reformers. One of Luther’s followers, Calvin, started Calvinism, which reinforces Luther’s ideas of salvation in terms of uncertain predestination. â€Å"God, who grants grace for his own inscrutable reasons, knows in advance who will be saved and who

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