Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Essay on sociologyEssay Writing Service
Essay on sociologyEssay Writing Service Essay on sociology Essay on sociologyPart A. Family types in the U.S.: univariate analysisThis research is devoted to studying race and ethnic differences in family types and the role played by race-ethnic group poverty status in relation to these differences. One of important family characteristics is family type. In this research, three family types are considered: married couple family household, female headed family household with no husband/father present and male headed family household with no wife/motherà present.The total number of families in the census are 72,229,668. Table 1 contains the descriptive univariate statistics for family type variable. 76.8% of families belong to the type married couple family household and the remaining 23.2% of families are either male-headed or female-headed household. In general, it can be concluded that a predominant number of families (more than 3/4) are married couples.Part B. Race-ethnic differences in family type in the U.S.: bivariate analysisAnother important variable in this study is race-ethnic group, which is determined according to the self-identification of an individual, and can have the following values: Non-Latino White, Black, Latino, Asian and American Indian. Table 2 contains bivariate analysis of family type distribution by race-ethnic groups. The statistics for race-ethnic group is the following: there are 71,178,610 families total, 74.10% of them are identified as non-Latino Whites, 11.54% of them are Black, 3.41% are Asian, 10.17% are Latino and 0.79% are American Indian.Family type distribution notably varies across race-ethnic groups. The largest rates of married couples (as opposed to families headed by single parents) are among non-Latino Whites 82.6% and Asian 81.5%. The rate of married couples for Latino and American Indian families is significantly lower and constitutes 68.4% and 63.1% accordingly. The lowest percentage of married couples is among Black families only 47.1%.The statistics for race-ethni c groups pertaining to the rate of families headed by a single parent is inverse to that describing married couples: the rate of single-parent families is the highest for Black families 52.9%, is moderate for American Indian and Latino 36.9% and 31.5% accordingly, and is the lowest for Asian 18.5% and non-Latino Whites 17.4%.Part C. Family type and poverty status: bivariate analysesThird variable in this research is poverty status, which is identified by the family income and is classified into four categories: poor income below poverty threshold, near-poor family income within the boundaries of poverty threshold and 1.5*poverty threshold, middle family income between 1.5*poverty threshold and 5*poverty threshold, and comfortable family income above 5*poverty threshold.Table 3 illustrates bivariate analyses of the relationship between family type and poverty status. This table bases on the analysis of 72,229,689 households; 9.11% of them are classified as poor according to i ncome level, 7.05% have near poor income, 51.78% have middle income and 32.06% have comfortable level of income.The percent of married couples notably increases along with family income category: the highest rate of married couples is among families with comfortable income level 90.7% and the lowest is among poor families 41.0%. The rate of families headed by single parents has a strictly inverse relationship: the largest proportion of such families is among poor families 59% and the smallest rate of single parent families is among families with comfortable level of income only 9.3%.The pattern observed in table 3 is absolutely consistent with Zinns claim that proportion of married couple families increases among high socioeconomic status groups. There are significant differences in the rate of married couples among different socioeconomic status groups, and the highest the status of the group is, the higher the rate of married couples in this group is. The rates of married coup les for socioeconomic groups aligned by the increase of income level (poor, near poor, middle and comfortable) are 41.0%, 57.2%, 77.1% and 90.7% consequently; this sequence illustrates a distinct upward trend.One way in which socioeconomic status of a family can affect its likelihood of having a married couple is the lower probability of divorce among higher socioeconomic groups: financial stress and pressure belongs to one of the most significant stressors, and couples unaffected by this stress are likely to stay together for longer.Part D. Race-ethnicity and poverty status: bivariate analysesBesides considering the relation between socioeconomic status of families and the rate of married couples, it is important to analyze the distribution of poverty status for different race-ethnic groups. Table 4 contains bivariate analysis showing the distribution of poverty status across different race-ethnicity groups.The number of poor families is the smallest among non-Latino Whites (5.4%). One more race-ethnic group which has low number of poor families are Asian families (9.7% of poor families). The highest number of poor families is among American Indian families (21.8%) and Black families (21.5%). The rate of poor families among Latino families is also high 19.9%. Non-Latino Whites and Asian families also have the lowest rates of near poor families 5.2% and 7.2% accordingly, while the highest rate of near poor families is among Latino families 14.9%.The number of middle income families is comparable in all race-ethnic groups; it is slightly higher for non-Latino Whites and Latino families (52.1% and 52.8% accordingly) and is the lowest for Asian families 47.5%. As for families with comfortable income level, their rate is notably higher for non-Latino Whites (37.4%) and Asians (35.7%), and is the lowest among Latino families 12.5%.In general, it is possible to distinguish between non-Latino White and Asian race-ethnic groups which tend to have higher incomes a nd higher rates of married couples, and Black/Latino/American Indian race-ethnic groups which tend to have lower incomes and lower proportions of married couples (as it was shown in Table 3). Latino families are slightly better off, while Black and Indian American families are more vulnerable to poverty more than other race-ethnic groups. The patterns in Table 4 are similar to the relationship between the rate of married couples and race-ethnic group. Hence, hhe results shown in Table 4 support the claim that race-ethnic differences in socio-economic status might account for race-ethnic diversity in the proportion of married couples families.Part E. Married couple families in each race-ethnic group at different levels of poverty status: multivariate analysisIn order to assess whether the impact of poverty status is the only factor shaping race-ethnic differences in the proportion of married couples families, it is necessary to perform multivariate analysis of married couples rate an d race-ethnic group controlling for family status. Table 5 shows the results of this analysis.The data indicate that race-ethnic socioeconomic status is not the only factor affecting race-ethnic differences in family types. Indeed, if socioeconomic status was the sole factor determining race-ethnic differences in family types, there would be no significant differences among married couples rates for different race-ethnic groups with the same poverty level. However, there are very notable differences among the rates of married couples in different race-ethnic groups controlled by poverty. Among poor families, the highest percent of married couples is among Asian families (66.8%) and the lowest is among Black families (17.8%). A similar trend can be witnessed for other socioeconomic groups: among families with near poor income level, the highest rate of married couples is among Asian (75.3%) and the lowest is among Black families (36.9%). Among middle-income families, the highest rate of married couples belongs to non-Latino Whites (81.3%), closely followed by Asian (80.0%). The lowest rate of middle-income married couples is among Black families (53.9%). Among families with comfortable level of income, the rates are high for all race-ethnic groups, with the highest rate being among non-Latino Whites (92.1%), followed by Asians (88.7%), while the Black families still have the lowest rate of married couples (76.4%).The data clearly indicate that family income does influence the number of married couples, as the rate of married couples notably increases with the increase of socioeconomic status for all race-ethnic groups. At the same time, there are other social factors influencing the rate of married couples since there are significant differences between race-ethnic groups for the same family income level. In particular, it is possible to state that Asians are likely to have one of the highest rates of married couples regardless of their income level, while non- Latino White families are highly likely to live as married couples only for middle and comfortable income levels.Black families have considerably lower rates of married couples compared to other race-ethnic groups at all levels of family income. There might be multiple social causes of this alarming phenomenon. One of such causes might be the level of education among the members of Black families which might be lower compared to other groups. At the same time, education level is often related to income so it might be the consequence of the relationship between the rate of married couples and family income level. Another plausible cause of low rates of married couples among Black families might be the combination of two factors: high prison rates among Black men (which reduce the pool of potential partners for Black women) and the increasing percentage of interracial marriages between Black males and non-Black females (this trend also reduces the pool of potential husbands for Black women).Part F. Discussion and conclusionAccording to Maxine Baca Zinn, there exists such phenomenon as racial stratification. The differences in the patterns of reproductive and productive labor which have emerged historically have led to the differences in the social position and access to social resources between the representatives of different race-ethnic groups. These differences which are not directly attributable to race but largely to the functioning of social institutions and their historical legacy are referred to by Maxine Baca Zinn as racial stratification.Furthermore, the author states that racial stratification has a notable impact on families, and there emerges a significant link between race and family in the United States. Indeed, the author emphasizes that racial stratification leads to different social positioning of families, creates distinctive patterns in the locations of families. In addition to this, the structure of social opportunities and their accessibili ty vary for different race-ethnic groups, and therefore influence development and social integration of families.Maxine Baca Zinn also points out that the changes in racial composition of the society have a strong influence on family structure and on the development of family as a social institution. In particular, the author emphasizes Black families as an important social indicator of the general social processes, and states that many family behaviors which have emerged among middle-income families of non-Latino Whites were actually common for Black families for a long time, but were considered as deviant or improper earlier. Maxine Baca Zinn argues that family is changing as a social institution and shows that there is an important relationship between race and family in the United States. As racial composition of the society is changing, family institution will also respond with changes and transformations.The results of data analysis exercise are mostly consistent with Baca Zin ns argument about the relationship between racial stratification and family. In the short-term perspective, the assumptions of Maxine Baca Zinn are likely to be correct: there are notable differences in the rate of married couples among race-ethnic groups, and some of these differences are clearly related to socioeconomic position (which is, according to Baca Zinn, associated with race and ethnicity). Indeed, the patterns common for Black families seem to be significantly different from non-Latino Whites and Asian, with the patterns for American Indians and Latinos being in between the two extremes.At the same time, in order to assess whether the data support or refute Baca Zinns claims, it is necessary to explore the dynamics of changes in the rate of married families by race-ethnic group during a long-term period of time. Baca Zinn emphasizes that the changes of racial composition of the society lead to the changes in family status, and the most appropriate way to assess this woul d be to collected data for 10- or 20-year period. However, in the short-term perspective the findings of the data analysis largely support Baca Zinns claims.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Global Variables in Ruby
Global Variables in Ruby Global Variables are variables that may be accessed from anywhere in the program regardless of scope. Theyre denoted by beginning with a $ (dollar sign) character. However, the use of global variables is often considered un-Ruby, and you will rarely see them. Defining Global Variables Global variables are defined and used like any other variable. To define them, simply assign a value to them and begin using them. But, as their name suggests, assigning to global variables from any point in the program has global implications. The following program demonstrates this. The method will modify a global variable, and that will affect how the second method runs. $speed 10 def accelerate $speed 100 end def pass_speed_trap if $speed 65 # Give the program a speeding ticket end end accelerate pass_speed_trap Unpopular So why is this un-Ruby and why dont you see global variables very often? Put simply, it breaks encapsulation. If any one class or method can modify the state of the global variables at will with no interface layer, any other classes or methods that rely on that global variable may behave in an unexpected and undesirable manner. Further, such interactions can be very difficult to debug. What modified that global variable and when? Youll be looking through quite a lot of code to find what did it, and that could have been avoided by not breaking the rules of encapsulation. But thats not to say that global variables are never used in Ruby. There are a number of special global variables with single-character names (a-la Perl) that can be used throughout your program. They represent the state of the program itself, and do things like modify the record and field separators for all gets methods. Global Variables $0 - This variable, denoted by $0 (thats a zero), holds the name of the top-level script being executed. In other words, the script file that was run from the command line, not the script file that holds the currently executing code. So, if script1.rb was run from the command line, it would hold script1.rb. If this script requires script2.rb, $0 in that script file would also be script1.rb. The name $0 mirrors the naming convention used in UNIX shell scripting for the same purpose.$* - The command-line arguments in an array denoted by $* (dollar sign and asterisk). For example, if you were to run ./script.rb arg1 arg2, then $* would be equivalent to %w{ arg1 arg2 }. This is equivalent to the special ARGV array and has a less descriptive name, so it is rarely used.$$ - The interpreters process ID, denoted by $$ (two dollar signs). Knowing ones own process ID is often useful in daemon programs (which run in the background, unattached from any terminal) or system services. However, this gets a bit more complicated when threads are involved, so be wary of using it blindly. $/ and $\ - These are the input and output record separators. When you read objects using gets and print them using puts, it uses these to know when a complete record has been read, or what to print between multiple records. By default, these should be the newline character. But since these affect the behavior of all IO objects, theyre rarely used, if at all. You may see them in smaller scripts where breaking the encapsulation rules is not an issue.$? - The exit status of the last child process executed. Of all the variables listed here, this is probably the most useful. The reason for this is simple: you cant get the exit status of child processes by their return value from the system method, only true or false. If you must know the actual return value of the child process, you need to use this special global variable. Again, the name of this variable is taken from the UNIX shells.$_ - The last string read by gets. This variable may be a point of confusion for those coming to Ruby f rom Perl. In Perl, the $_ variable means something similar, but totally different. In Perl, $_ holds the value of the last statement and in Ruby it holds the string returned by the previous gets invocation. Their usage is similar, but what they really hold is very different. You dont often see this variable either (come to think of it, you rarely see any of these variables), but you may see them in very short Ruby programs that process text. In short, youll rarely see global variables. Theyre often bad form (and un-Ruby) and only really useful in very small scripts, where the full implication of their use can be fully appreciated. There are a few special global variables that can be used, but for the most part, they arent used. You dont really need to know all that much about global variables to understand most Ruby programs, but you should at least know that theyre there.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Special Needs Inclusion Education Program Essay
Special Needs Inclusion Education Program - Essay Example This idea of inclusion is more viable than the use of seclusion or putting the children with disabilities in self-contained classrooms. A self-contained classroom setting proposes that children with disabilities are separated from the rest; according to Banduras social learning theory will not help the child develop cognitively and behaviourally. A self-contained classroom setting that groups children with disabilities from the rest makes them feel as social outcasts. This will have a negative cognitive development to the child, and he/she shall develop little or no social skill to interact and learn with the rest of the population (Turnbull, 2010). The other theory that supports the use of inclusion in the classroom setting is observational learning theory. As the name of the theory suggests, the child learns in the classroom mainly through observation methods. Since the children are included in the classroom setting with the rest of the children with no disabilities, they can obser ve them and learn. From this observation, they develop behaviour and learn from experience. As the theory suggests, most of the children with disabilities feel the need to adapt to their environment and function well. Through inclusion in the classroom, they see and hear what their peers are doing, and try to emulate it, and this is important as they develop communication and social skills fast enough to interact, and learn in the classroom setting (Weir, 1999). The use of self-contained classrooms in educating children with disabilities would also hinder the observational development of a child. Since the children are set up on their own, they lack the opportunity to... This essay stresses that inclusion provides children with special needs the opportunity to both interact and learn with the mainstream population who do not have disabilities. Inclusion is a trend, which made major progression in the late 80s and early 90s, which concluded that that general education is the best choice for all students. The role of inclusion for children with disabilities is rationalized by use of several learning theories. The use of self-contained classrooms in educating children with disabilities would also hinder the observational development of a child. Since the children are set up on their own, they lack the opportunity to observe what their peers are doing and undergoing. This shall mean that they depend upon their own mind, teacher and fellow children with disabilities to develop social skill and learn. The inclusion method presents several advantages to both the child and the educator, when it is effectively applied taking all the students requirements in a learning environment. This report makes a conclusion that through the inclusion method, several children with disabilities have developed the need skills to be successful members of society. Some children with disabilities have developed strong mental and behaviour capabilities to get higher academic grades as compared to their friends. The inclusion methods creates a feeling of oneness and togetherness to the children with disabilities, and through the learning theories outlined in the paper, make them productive members of society.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
LATE ADULTHOOD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
LATE ADULTHOOD - Essay Example However, evidence suggests that married persons tend to be happier in late adulthood than single persons, though those who have never married often cope the best with feelings of loneliness in late life. Erik Erikson (1902-1994) proposed a lifespan theory of development. He described the late adult stage of our life as coming to accept one's whole life and reflecting on that life in a positive manner. He calls this stage of development Integrity versus Despair. According to Erikson, achieving a sense of integrity means fully accepting oneself, one's accomplishments, and coming to terms with mortality. Accepting responsibility for your life and being able to undo the past and achieve satisfaction with self is essential. On the other hand, some may look back at their lives with a sense of doubt or gloom over their life's worth. This results in feelings of despair. For Erikson, successful resolution of this stage results in the virtue wisdom. Overweight can contribute to many an illness. The term overweight is generally used to indicate that a human has more body fat than is considered useful for the optimal functioning of the body. Being overweight is a fairly common condition for many people, especially those in developed nations where food supplies are plentiful and lifestyles often do not involve a lot of activities that generate caloric expenditure.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Dance Helicap Essay Example for Free
Dance Helicap Essay In 1967, Frank Dance proposed the communication model called Danceââ¬â¢s Helix Model for a better communication process. The name helical comes from ââ¬Å"Helixâ⬠which means an object having a three-dimensional shape like that of a wire wound uniformly around a cylinder or cone. He shows communication as a dynamic and non-linear process. Theory Danceââ¬â¢s model emphasized the difficulties of communication. Frank Dance uses the form of a Helix to describe communication process. He developed this theory based on a simple helix which gets bigger and bigger as it moves or grows. The main characteristic of helical model of communication is that it is evolutionary. Frank Dance explains the communication process based on this Helix structure and compares it with communication. In the Helix structure, the bottom or starting is very small then itââ¬â¢s gradually moves upward in a back and forth circular motion which form the bigger circle in the top and itââ¬â¢s still moves further. The whole process takes some time to reach. As like helix, the communication process starts very slowly and defined small circle. Communicators share information only with small portion of themselves to their relationships. Its gradually develops into next level but which will take some time to reach and expanding its boundaries to the next level. Later the communicators commit more and share more portions themselves. Example When a child is born the only means of communication is crying, he/she cries for everything like hunger, pain, cold etc.. As the child grows the means of communication become wider and broader. He learns to makes noises then he learns language to obtain attention and to fulfil his needs. As a Helix the process of communication in this case started from crying and later it developed into a complex and compound means. The Helical model of communication is largely dependent on its past. A child learns to pronounce a word in his elementary classes and throughout his life he uses that word in the same way he learnt. Just like that we used to react to certain things in a certain way in our childhood and such reactions and habits lasts with us forever. The communication evolves in the beginning in some simple forms then the same process of communication develops based on the past activities. It develops further with modifications. Conclusion Frank Dance included the concept of time in his theory. Something happens over the other will always be based on the first event according to him. This theory of communication was a subject to a number of experimental researches. Even though this model of communication clarifies everything there is a problem of over simplification. According to this theory a communication process is the product of what we learnt. Let us understand the model with the help of an example. A child from the very moment he comes to this world starts communicating. When a baby is born, the nurse rubs his back to make the child cry. If the child doesnââ¬â¢t cry, it is an indication of a still born child. What does crying in this case refer to? It is actually a way the child is communicating to his parents that he is alive, absolutely hale and hearty and ready to face the challenges of the world. As the child grows up, he cries whenever he is hungry or expects something from his parents and sometimes simply for his parentââ¬â¢s attention. It is again a childââ¬â¢s own way of conveying his message to the whole world. When the same child grows up and starts going to school, he soon interacts with his parents, teachers, friends in the form of words. Now crying actually gets replaced by words or his speech but one thing which is common is the process of communication which existed since the childââ¬â¢s birth. Thus the child actually started communicating from the very first day of his life and has been communicating all through till the present day. This explains one part of helical model of communication. According to the Helical model of communication, the process of communication evolves from the very birth of an individual and continues till the existing moment. All living entities start communicating from the very first day of their origin. When seeds are planted, they convey the message to the gardener that they need to be watered daily and should be treated well with fertilizers and manure. When a plant emerges from the seed it also starts communicating its need for water, sunlight, manure and fertilizers, thus supporting the Helical model of communication. The same also applies for animals, birds, fishes and all living creatures. Now let us throw some more light on a real life situation An individual in his elementary classes learns to pronounce a particular word or react to a particular situation. It has been observed that even though the child grows up, he continues to pronounce that particular word in the same way as he did during his growing up days or for that matter, if the same situation arises again he would under all circumstances react in the same way as he did in the past. The fear of the child when suddenly the light goes off at night resulting in a complete blackout is present in his younger days as well as when he grows up. The above example again makes the Helical model of communication clear. According to the Helical model as the process of communication moves forward it also comes back and is largely dependent on the past behaviour of the individual. The model believes that communication process is just like a helix which moves forward as well as comes backward and is dependent on the behaviour patterns of the past definitely with some modifications and changes. As the child grows up, he does make slight changes in his past body movements or past pronunciation or facial expressions. He makes certain changes, modifications in his communication and tries to get rid of the communication errors. An individual will definitely get less nervous in his teenage days as compared to his childhood days, thus a slight change in his behaviour.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Applications of Physics in Daily Life Essay example -- water pumps, mot
In real life situations, there are many applications of physics. Physics is applied in almost everything we do and everything around us from household chores, in school and in professional practices like engineering. It ranges from simple applications like boiling water to complex professional ones like road and rail construction. Some of the most common applications are as discussed below. Water and well pumps Water and well pumps are utilized to draw water from a profundity where the water table is a few feet underneath the range of provision. Regularly utilized for water conveyance. Hand pumps are physically worked pumps; they utilize human force and mechanical playing point to move liquids or air starting with one spot then onto the next. They are broadly utilized as a part of each nation on the planet for a mixture of mechanical, marine, watering system and recreation exercises. There are numerous distinctive sorts of hand pump accessible, fundamentally working on a cylinder, stomach or turning vane guideline with a check valve on the section and passageway ports to the chamber working in restricting bearings. Most hand pumps have plungers or responding cylinders, and are sure relocation. Suction and lift are paramount contemplations when pumping liquids. Suction is the vertical separation between the liquid to be pumped and the core of the pump, while lift is the vertical separation between the pump and the conveyance point. The profundity from which a hand pump will suck is restricted by air weight to a working profundity of less than 7 meters. The depth to which a hand pump will lift is administered by the capacity of the pump and the driver to lift the weight in t... ...rged as a consequence of volume development. As the motor chills off once more, the compartment furnishes a proportional payback liquid to the radiator, consequently, "reusing" it. This implies that fresher autos are considerably less inclined to overheating as more senior autos. Consolidated with upgrades in radiator liquid mixtures, which go about as radiator fluid in frosty climate and coolant in hot, the "reusing" methodology has prompted a noteworthy abatement in break downs identified with warm extension. Works Cited Fleisher, Paul. Matter and Energy: Principles of Matter and Thermodynamics. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications, 2002. Beiser, Arthur. Physical science, fifth ed. Perusing, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1991. "Correlation of Materials: Coefficient of Thermal Expansion" Royston, Angela. Hot and Cold. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2001.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Books especially Great Expectations Essay
Pip is very childlike the way Dickens describes him, almost naive and he has a large imagination.Dickens shows Pipââ¬â¢s naivety by telling the reader Pip believes his mothers name was ââ¬Ëalso Georginaââ¬â¢ as that was written on the gravestone.à Pip is introduced when he is at the graveyard.à Dickens aims for the readers empathy by telling us that five of his siblings are dead and buried with his mother and father.à The historical context Dickens used was that in the 1800ââ¬â¢s children died young.à Then we are introduced to the criminal who we later learn is called Abel Magwitch. When Pip meets the convict he is in irons, rags and is hungry.à Dickens showed us this man was of lower class by the way he spoke and the fact his did not wear a hat like gentlemen did.à ââ¬ËA man with no hat, and broken shoes.ââ¬â¢Ã Abel comes off as a scary man however once he has food and a file for his irons, his attitude changes.à Dickens tries to get sympathy for Abel by the way he describes him as having a limp and using his arms to warm himself up as well holding himself together. Estella is introduced in chapter eight.à Estella is the adopted daughter of Miss Havisham; Estella was brought up to hate men by Miss. Havisham.à This causes Estella to poke fun at many aspects of Pip.à She has been taught well like most upper class children and Dickens shows this by her speech and appearance.à ââ¬ËDonââ¬â¢t be ridiculous boyâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬â¢, she believes herself to be higher and more important than Pip due to her being of a higher class.à Miss. Havisham was a wealthy woman who got jilted at the alter, her life went down hill from there as if she was stuck in the time.à We can see that from the way Dickens describes the way her house was decorated.à Dickens makes Miss. Havisham come over as a bitter spiteful lady by using her speech and actions. ââ¬Ëâ⬠Sometimes I have sick fantasies.â⬠She went on.ââ¬â¢Ã The Setting.à The first chapter is set in a graveyard which gives the reader an eerie yet calm feeling until the convict appears changing the atmosphere to dramatic.à Dickens uses words like ââ¬Ëovergrownââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëforgottenââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëbleakââ¬â¢ to create the sense of setting and atmosphere.à He then goes to use words like ââ¬Ëterribleââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëfearfulââ¬â¢ to fit into the new dramatic setting.à Towards the end of chapter one, Dickens uses nearly a full paragraph on just describing the setting.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ ¦ sky was just a row of long angry, red lines and black lines intermixed.ââ¬â¢Ã This gives off a rather calming yet suspenseful atmosphere. Chapter eight is started with a strong sense of suspense and curiosity, the setting and atmosphere being both questionable and fearful.à Dickens uses words like ââ¬Ëscornfulââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëdarkââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëuncomfortableââ¬â¢ to successfully create an atmosphere; he describes Miss. Havisham as almost skeleton like then he continues to actually have Pip compare her to a wax skeleton.à Dickens uses words like ââ¬Ëhollow eyesââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëfaded skinââ¬â¢ and very slimââ¬â¢ to get his point across.When comparing the two settings they are very similar by that way they are both set in a dark settings and suspenseful atmospheres.à The storyline. The entire book is mainly focussed around Pipââ¬â¢s days and his meeting of new people in both different classes.à Chapter one is focussed on Pip meeting the convict, who is of a lower class and then chapter eight is focussed on Pip meeting Estella and Miss. Havisham who are of a higher class.à The story is about Pip and his feelings when he meets each of these people as well as the expectations he has for himself once meeting those people.à Pip tries to raise his expectations for himself once heââ¬â¢s met Estella. Dickens chooses everything carefully when writing a storyline, like names for instance he describes calling upon Estella in chapter eight as ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ her light came along the dark passage like a star.ââ¬â¢ Estella is actually Latin for star so you can tell he chose the name wisely as well as fitting historical context into the chapter.à He also uses pat experiences to help write about events in his books especially Great Expectations.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Kaymito Leaves Decoction as Antiseptic Mouthwash ââ¬Â
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2011 Multi-Colored Fabric Dye From Talisay (Terminalia catappa) Leaves Extract Pauline Mariz Manuel Marjorie Marmeto Jiezel Ann Sescar Mrs. Ma. Regaele Olarte (Research Adviser) Statement of the Problem The researchers aimed to determine if the Talisay (Terminalia catappa) leaves extract could be developed as a multi-colored fabric dye. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: 1. Can Talisay (Terminalia catappa) leaves extract be developed as a multi-colored dye? 2. Is there a significant difference between the experimental and control set-ups in terms of: a. Reaction to acid b. Reaction to base c. pH level d. Color fastness Table 1 Frequency Distribution of Yielded Results in terms of Color DYE| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGE (%)| Violet| 97| 93| Yellow| 7| 7| Brown| 3| 3| TOTAL| 100| 100| Table 2 Comparison of Mean and T-test Result for Talisay and Commercial Fabric Dye TALISAY LEAVES| COMMERCIAL DYE| VARIANCE| COLOR| FREQUENCY| COLOR| FREQUENCY| | Violet| 90| Violet| 88| 2%| Yellow| 7| Yellow| 10| 3%| Brown| 3| Brown| 2| 1%| TOTAL| 100| | 100| | 1 comments Email ThisBlogThis! Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Links to this post THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2011 Akapulko (Cassia alata L. Seeds as Purgative Extender for Pulvoron Akapulvoron: A Sensory Analysis Akapulko (Cassia alata L. ) Seeds as Purgative Extender for Pulvoron Karl Ericson Landrito Rochelle Gel Asilo Ludy Anne Castrence Maegan Morales Keith Louise R. Salazar Research Adviser: Mrs. Ma. Regaele A. Olarte A. Background of the Study Children during their early stage of learning are curious on how things around them work. They always want to play outdoor games such asà tumbang preso,à patintero,à piko,à jolens,à pogs, and many other games with their playmates. These games require touching and a lot of barefoot running. Children do not tend to know that running barefooted will cause the formation of ascaris and other parasitic worms that might infect their intestines. Malnutrition surrounds our country today; a lot of people, most especially the children, were the victims of it. One of the most common causes of malnutrition of children is worm infestation. Worm infestation can result if there happened to be a direct or indirect contact with the feces of an infected person. It can be dispersed when the feces of an infected organism are used as fertilizers in farmlands that are now converted into urban type of community. The kids that are living in that converted area can accumulate the infection that the former farmland has. Children that are infected can have parasitic worms inside their bodies. They can eventually experience malnutrition and other health deficiencies if not treated. Purgative medicines are cheap in cost but children dislike the taste because of its bitterness. The researchers came up with this project due to the desire of helping the parents of infected children in convincing their kids to take good-tasting purgative remedy that is cheaper in cost and can be done at home. The researchers found out that pounded and boiled akapulko seeds are used as an effective purgative agent. Akapulko is an herbal plant that can be used in curing skin, stomach, lung, and mouth problems, andà is well known for its sudorific, diuretic and purgative characteristics. It can be ingested without having any side effect or contraindications. The researchers thought of pulvoron, being a healthy, delicious, and attractive treat for all. The akapulko seeds were consider as extender in place of the traditional rice crisps, nuts, or nougats in the pulvoron. Established that akapulvoron could be an effective and safe purgative treat, the researchers intended to conduct a sensory analysis of the product to determine if it would be generally accepted by the public. 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis! Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Links to this post WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2011 Makahiya (Mimosa pudica) Root Extract as an Alternative Ovicide against Dengue Mosquito (Aedes aegypti) Eggs Dumayas, Diana Rose P. Geroche, Sheila Mae T. Pinote, Lorraine Angela D. (Researchers) Mrs. Ma. Regaele A. Olarte Research Adviser) Significance of the Study The augmenting number of Dengue cases not only in our country but also to other countries all over the world experiencing the abnormal change in weather is not of recent origin to us. Along with this difficult situation, there are two-winged, dipterous insects that hatch their eggs for a short time, reducing the size of their larvae and become ââ¬Å"nervous-bitersâ⬠. In that case, they are harder to in tercept in flight that is why it is more advisable to focus on the places where they lay their eggs. The researchers conducted this study in order to lessen the proliferation of mosquitoes or prevent the eggs from hatching using the Makahiyaà Mimosa pudicaà roots extract as an ovicide. As the experiment was proven to be effective, it is relevant to propagate the plant for mass production and communicate the results to other people. It is also significant to conduct experiments about the other potentialities of à the said plant, such as the anti fertility property of its root extract which was à proven in Albino white mice sperm cells according to Dr. Godofredo Umali-Stuart of University of Santo Tomas. comments Email ThisBlogThis! Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Links to this post Prototype Biometric Security System on Personal Computer Using Fingerprint-based Power Switch Researcher: Maycee Anne Rufino Research Adviser: Mrs. Ma. Regaele Olarte Statement of the Problem The study sought to devise a system to protect every computer from hacking and unwanted file sharing due to usage without permission by unauthorized users. The researcher utilized fingerprint-based biometric security system on the power switch of personal computer, thus making it unquestionably ââ¬Å"personal. à à à à à à à à à à à Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following questions: 1. How should the system be designed and developed in order to: a. Secure the userââ¬â¢s data from hacking or sharing, b. Provide an account security for the computer user, c. Ensure that the system is protected against alteration and not prone to errors? 2. What is the level of performance of the system based on the following criteria: a. Reliability b. Accessibility c. Efficiency d. Functionality? Hypothesis The fingerprint-based biometric security system on personal computer with remote access for the private user isà effective in terms of the specified criteria. Scope and Limitations The fingerprint-based biometric security system on personal computer is more accessible, secured, accountable and accurate. It is in the registered fingerprint where an account is created for hassle-free admission to the system. Furthermore, transactions do not consume much time and effort since the information needed to connect and to access oneââ¬â¢s account is already automated. The following were the scope and limitations of the study: * The study only focused on the general transaction of database and of safe-keeping for the data-security of personal computers. This mechanism was not advisable for shared computers but merely for personal use, as only an authorized person could gain access on the most important data and information stored in the computer. * The system would not operate if the user is unauthorized or unregistered. Only authorized user with registered thumb mark and password can get into the system. * This device can register and hold up to five authorized users only to access the system. * The fingerprint-based power switch can also be used on any technology containing switch. (e. g. lighting, appliances, motorcycles etc. ) 2 comments Email ThisBlogThis! Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Links to this post TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2011 Environmental Briquette from Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) with Acacia Seeds as Binding Agent Mary Jane Bucio Patricia Anne Javier Charlz Deanne Hermoso Angel-lyn Lazo Jamira Marabut (Researchers) Mrs. Ma. Regaele A. Olarte (Research Adviser) ABSTRACT Water hyacinth is an aquatic plant which could well be used, instead of wood, in generating an alternative source of energy. The processing of water hyacinth into briquette would have a significant role not only in the development of an alternative fuel, but also in the preservation of the environment. The water hyacinth that was harvested, dried, and pulverized was mixed with cassava starch and acacia seed binder by being compressed into briquettes in a manually-operated machine. The experimental set-up made use of dry and fresh water hyacinth while a traditional charcoal served as the control. In all the quality tests done, T- test showed that there was no significant difference between the experimental product and the commercial product in terms of various parameters, at 0. 05 level of significance. The results of experimentation and data analysis showed that the experimental product is just as effective as the commercial briquette, with better potential of helping the environment by reducing the negative consequences brought about by water hyacinthââ¬â¢s rapid profusion. Thus, theà environmental briquette made from water hyacinth with acacia seeds as binding agent could be an effective alternative to the traditional charcoal made from burning of wood. 1 comments Email ThisBlogThis! Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Links to this post Older PostsHome Subscribe to:à Posts (Atom) CHATBOX! Julian Paolo Biyoà Jason Andrei TemeloI-RubyPhilippine Science High School Western Visayas Campus Investigatory Project TITLE: Effect of the Different Types of Substrates on theBiodegradability of SM Plastic Bags I. Background of the Study Official figures show that plastics make up around 25%à of thegarbage that metro manila churns out, while anà independent surveyconducted by Ecowaste Coalition andà Greenpeace on the compositionof discards on manila bayà in 2006 found thatà 51% were plastic bags,19% sachets and junkà food wrappers, 5% Styrofoam, 1% hard plastics,10% rubber, 13% biodegradable wastes (Cayetano, 2008;www. enatorpiacayetano. com/psc/pressreleasedetails. php? recordID=175)Biodegradable plastics are degradable plastics on which thedegradation results from the action of naturally occurring micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi , and algae ([emailà protected] com). These plastics are broken down intoà water, carbon dioxide, methaneand biomassà primari ly through enzymatic action on microorganisms(Azios, 2007www. csmonitor. com/2007/1219/p16s01 -sten. html). Biodegradable will fully disintegrate in six months orà less. It turns intopowder and blends withà the soil after a few monthsà (Demetillo, 2008www. mprime. com/News. php? BlurbID=1113). Many biodegradable plastics will decompose inà industrial plants,backyard compost piles, or openà environments. Theà inherentbiodegradability of plastics depend onà several environmental factorssuch as moisture, temperature, surface area, and the manufacturingmethod of the finishedà product. (Nolan-ITU Pty Ltd, 2002www. environment. gov. au/settlement/publications/waste/deg) Although some brands claim to be biodegradable in open air andsaltwater, virtually no decomposition occurs within a closed landfillthat has beenà capped, preventing air circulation. Azios, 2007www. csmonitor. com/2007/1219/p16s01 -sten. html)à Theà SMà mallà chainà hasà startedà shiftingà biodegradableà plasticbags for its supermarkets and department stores (Cayetano, 2008). The use of biodegradable plastics help lessen the burden of the ever-growing garbage problem in the Philippines and inà the whole world II. Problem of the Study This study wasà conducted to answer the following problem:Will exposing the SM plastic bags to different substrates such ascompost soil, loam soil, tap water, and seawater over a period of timeaffect its biodegradability? III. Hypothesis of the Study If SM plastic bags will be placed in different substrates over aperiod of time, then itsà biodegradability will be affected. IV. Objectives of the Study A. General Objective: â⬠¢ To determine the effect of different substrates on the biodegradabilityof SM plastic bags. B. Specific Objectives: 1. To expose SM plastic bags to different substrates such as compost soil,loam soil, seawater and tap water for a duration of several months. 2. To measure the weight of the plastic bags (grams) before and afterdifferent exposure periods toà the substrates. . To compare the percent weight loss of the SM plastic bags exposed todifferent substrates after a period of time. V. Designà ofà theà Study A. VariablesA1. Independent variables/ manipulated variable: substrate 1. Compost soil2. Loam soil3. Seawater4. Tapà waterA2. Dependent variable/ responding variable: biodegradability (percentweight loss)B. Materials â⬠¢ 6, 1-litre glass jars â⬠¢ 6, 7â⬠x9â⬠aluminium trays â⬠¢ 12 pcs. 3â⬠x4â⬠SM plastic bags â⬠¢ 500g loam soil â⬠¢ 500g compost soil
Friday, November 8, 2019
Veterinarian Medicine Essays - Veterinary Physician, Health Sciences
Veterinarian Medicine Essays - Veterinary Physician, Health Sciences Veterinarian Medicine Veterinarian Medicine plays a big role in the United States. Helping animals is the biggest concern of all veterinarians. When getting a puppy, you should bring it to the vet for 3 check-ups before it starts on it's annual shot and check-up. Veterinarains look over the animal and see if it has any signs of worms or respiratory problems. If any of these problems are found, medicine will be given for about a month or so. I have been working at a veterinarian's clinic for about 2 years now and it has been a great experience. I encourage everyone who wants to look into this profession to read into it and see if it's really what you want to do. It's a great way to help animals if you feel you would be good at that!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What is Work-Life Balance Anyway
What is Work-Life Balance Anyway Work-Life Balance is one of those concepts that was assumed to be valuable up until recent years, when many people are turning the concept on its head and saying ââ¬Å"work-lifeâ⬠balance is really about LIFE balance. While I agree to some extent, I donââ¬â¢t see the reason to toss out the concept of work-life balance altogether. To me, work-life balance is a moment-by-moment experience. I have chosen to own my own business because I have certain things I want in my life: the ability to work remotely so I can visit family and not take ââ¬Å"vacation daysâ⬠; the option to do yoga or go for a swim in the middle of the day; and the flexibility to work early in the morning or late at night. These things might not be non-negotiable, but they are important to me. For me, they create ââ¬Å"work-life balanceâ⬠or just plain ââ¬Å"life balance.â⬠Of course they also create challenges for maintaining that balance when things get busy in the business and threaten to infringe upon my ââ¬Å"meâ⬠time. You might be examining for yourself what constitutes work-life balance or any sort of balance as you move toward a new job, your first job out of college, getting into college, or any other venture. Are you interested in creating a life where you work less than 40 hours per week, are not stressed out constantly, are fulfilled and have fun? If so, you have a lot of company! I donââ¬â¢t often write blogs based on infographics, but I found this one- Careers with Great Work-Life Balance- to be enlightening. I realize that work-life balance is just one aspect of balance; you can have the right amount of time at work vs. personal life, but then get out of balance taking care of others in your personal life when you need to be taking better care of yourself! Or you can run into challenges in your work life itself in finding balance with the types of activities you do or relationships you create. Nevertheless, here are some of the main points to consider when planning for your quality of life in relation to your work: Flexibility at Work Nine out of 10 Americans feel that their current jobs donââ¬â¢t afford them enough time to attend to their familyââ¬â¢s needs: a major indicator that they do not have work-life balance. Furthermore, half of these employees believe that if they were allowed more flexibility in their jobsââ¬âwith work hours, vacation days, clock management, etc.ââ¬âtheyââ¬â¢d be able to perform their jobs better. Flexible schedules, in fact, have become so much in demand that the U.S. Department of Labor has devoted a whole page and many articles to the topic. Consider the things that are most important to you in terms of your working hours. Does your career path provide the flexibility you desire? Are you getting to spend enough time with your family? Can you take the vacations you want to take? Can you work from home when necessary? If you are seeking to change careers, or change the structure of your current work life, it will help to know what you want in terms of schedule flexibility so you can create a structure that provides the work-life balance you need. What are the Indicators of Successful Work-Life Balance? According to the OECD Better Life Index, an organization dedicated to promoting policies that improve economic and social well-being, popular indicators of successful work-life balance include: Total hours worked per week Time devoted to leisure Average pay Growth potential Flexibility Stress Are these barometers of work-life balance important to you? Will considering these factors change the way you pursue your education, your next career, or how you conduct your job search? Perhaps it will be informative to check out the jobs listed in the infographic that make top honors. You might be surprised by some of them! Creating Successful Work-Life Balance is up to You What constitutes work-life balance is subjective: what is most important to you in your work and personal life may be completely different from what matters to your friends, family or even colleagues. So define the non-negotiables in your life, then do your best to create a career path that meets your unique definition of balance. I for one can tell you itââ¬â¢s a constant challenge!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Critical Success Factors of Dell Inc Case Study - 2
Critical Success Factors of Dell Inc - Case Study Example Public relations efforts and programs help to quicken bringing about the required outcomes in both corporate goals and competitive edge. Thus Dell has invested a lot in such public relations efforts. Since Dell consists of a multicultural staff, social factors such as religious behavior which may not be essential to the situation at hand have to be accommodated. à Technological Influences: It is innovative novel technology that has given Dell an edge over the rest of its competitors. Due to Dellââ¬â¢s recent acquisitions of such firms as Alienware and EqualLogic, its ability to make use of their technologies too in manufacturing new products. à Economic Influences: The prevailing financial crisis has had a very negative effect on the ICT industry. At existing firm level cost-cutting practices were not very practical. By capturing emerging markets average and marginal costs could be brought down. à Legal Influences: Regulatory environment has had a major impact on Dell activities even though such rules have the desirable effect of quality improvement and cost reduction too. There is a high possibility that Dellââ¬â¢s competitors could come up with duplicate products infringing on its copyrighted and patent material. à Opportunities: There are many different opportunities that are available to Dell in the ICT market worldwide. In particular, its acquisitions of other firms, outsourcing, and e-commerce activities have played an influential role in determining its success.
Friday, November 1, 2019
All The Pretty Horses by Cormac Mc Carthy Research Paper
All The Pretty Horses by Cormac Mc Carthy - Research Paper Example The setting is in 1949 when the story starts with a funeral. It was the funeral of Gradyââ¬â¢s grandfather, the owner of the ranch that their family was living on. With his grandfather dead, Gradyââ¬â¢s mother who is an actress, will have to sell the ranch. Realizing that there was nothing for him in Texas anymore since he loves the ranch and the lifestyle it provides, he leaves Texas for Mexico. He brought along his friend Rawlins with him. Together, they ride to Mexico as idealized cowboys on horseback. On the road, another character by the name of Blevins joins them. Blevins is thirteen years old and he rides a beautiful horse. Rawlins immediately dislikes him but they still continue the journey on together. They reach the Rio Grande and upon crossing the river reaches Mexico. In Mexico, they encounter a terrible storm. Blevins, being very fearful, strips all his clothes (as a precaution against lightning strikes), and runs off, leaving his horse and all of his belongings. The next day, they find him almost naked. Blevins convinces Grady and Rawlins to find a town and look for his horse and his gun, which were stolen during the height of his panic attack. Soon enough, on the village of Encantada, they find Blevinsââ¬â¢ horse but then it was already claimed by someone else. Blevins takes it back and the locals pursue them. In the pursuit, they got separated. Grady and Rawlins eventually moves South where they were able to find jobs as cowboys in a ranch owned by a certain Don Hector. Because of his own experience in their own ranch, Grady soon became famous in Don Hectorââ¬â¢s ranch as the new cowboy. He proves himself to be a very good one, as he deeply understands horses. Because of his expertise, he was put in charge of the breeding of the horses. Then, he meets Alejandra, Don Hectorââ¬â¢s daughter and he falls for her. Although he was warned by Alejandraââ¬â¢s cynical aunt, Alfonsa, Grady pursues Alejandra and then they began an affair. When Don Hector found out about it, he had the Americans arrested by the corrupt Encantada police. There in Encantada jail cell, they reunite with Blevins again. They soon find that Blevins killed someone when he returned to Encantada to retrieve his stolen gun. Grady and Rawlins were now labeled as co-conspirators in Blevinsââ¬â¢ case. Then, because he was tortured, Rawlins owns up to the accusations, and this leads to Blevinsââ¬â¢ assassination. Grady and Rawlins remains imprisoned in the town called Saltillo. In prison they experience constant bullying by the prison mafia. It happens that a cuchillero attacks Grady as he refuses the invitation of Perez. Perez is a powerful prisoner who wants Grady to be his ally. John Grady eventually kills his assailant. He and Rawlins get ba dly wounded in the process. Alfonsa, Alejandraââ¬â¢s aunt, bribes the prison commander to release Grady and Rawlins and they were eventually released. Alfonsa made Grady swear that he should never see Alejandra again. With his newfound liberty, Rawlins goes back to America. Grady, however, was so intent to see and go back to Alejandra. Alfonsa again warns Grady not to pursue Alejandra and sets out a long discussion about the pitfalls of romance and its foolishness. In spite of all the discouragement, he meets Alejandra and they spend the whole day together. Grady proposes marriage to Alejandra but Alejandra declines because she already decided that she couldnââ¬â¢t leave her family, thus leaving Grady with a broken heart. Grady decides to go back to America but not without his horses. So he goes back to the village of Encantada and reclaims the horses, all the while claiming the captain of the town as hostage. The people pursue him but eventually crosses the border heavily wou nded. He finds himself back in
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